Radix Gateway API - Babylon (v1.10.1)

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This API is exposed by the Babylon Radix Gateway to enable clients to efficiently query current and historic state on the RadixDLT ledger, and intelligently handle transaction submission.

It is designed for use by wallets and explorers, and for light queries from front-end dApps. For exchange/asset integrations, back-end dApp integrations, or simple use cases, you should consider using the Core API on a Node. A Gateway is only needed for reading historic snapshots of ledger states or a more robust set-up.

The Gateway API is implemented by the Network Gateway, which is configured to read from full node(s) to extract and index data from the network.

This document is an API reference documentation, visit User Guide to learn more about how to run a Gateway of your own.

Migration guide

Integration and forward compatibility guarantees

All responses may have additional fields added at any release, so clients are advised to use JSON parsers which ignore unknown fields on JSON objects.

When the Radix protocol is updated, new functionality may be added, and so discriminated unions returned by the API may need to be updated to have new variants added, corresponding to the updated data. Clients may need to update in advance to be able to handle these new variants when a protocol update comes out.

On the very rare occasions we need to make breaking changes to the API, these will be warned in advance with deprecation notices on previous versions. These deprecation notices will include a safe migration path. Deprecation notes or breaking changes will be flagged clearly in release notes for new versions of the Gateway.

The Gateway DB schema is not subject to any compatibility guarantees, and may be changed at any release. DB changes will be flagged in the release notes so clients doing custom DB integrations can prepare.


The Gateway API is split into 5 sub APIs:

  • Status (/status/*) - For status and configuration details for the Gateway / Network.
  • Transaction (/transaction/*) - For transaction construction, preview, submission, and monitoring the status of an individual transaction.
  • Stream (/transaction/*) - For reading committed transactions.
  • State (/state/*) - For reading the current or past ledger state of the network.
  • Statistics (/statistics/*) - For calculating particular statistics against the current or past ledger state of the network.
  • Extensions (/Extensions/*) - For endpoints that do not fit into other categories, for example, they may not support historic state.


Interacting with this API effectively may require knowledge about the Radix Babylon Transaction Model and the State Model.

We share some very high-level details below, but please see the official documentation for more details on this.

Transactions and the Gateway

User transactions are formed of a core "intent", which is then signed by 0+ signatories, before being notarized. The output is called a notarized payload. It is this notarized transaction payload which is submitted to the network.

For most users, this construction process will generally happen in their Radix Wallet. If you wish to construct transactions programmatically or offline, you will need to integrate the Radix Engine Toolkit into your application for construction and finalization.

Once submitted, a transaction payload can end up being either rejected or committed. Transactions get rejected if they fail to pass certain criteria at the given time. A transaction payload can be marked as a:

  • Permanent Rejection if it is never possible for it to be committed (eg it's statically invalid, or only valid up until epoch 100 and it's now epoch 101)
  • Temporary Rejection if it still may be possible that the transaction payload could be committed

A given intent typically is only part of one submitted notarized payload, but it's possible for a notary to notarize and submit multiple payloads for the same intent. The Radix Engine ensures that any intent can only be committed once.

A committed transaction is either committed with an outcome of "Success" or "Failure":

  • Committed Failure will result in fees being paid up until the failure point, but all other changes will be discarded.
  • Committed Success will result in all changes being committed.

Only committed transactions appear on ledger.

The gateway will attempt to submit your transaction to nodes on the network. If it gets temporarily rejected, the error message will be recorded against the transaction, but the Gateway will retry submission for a limited time. During this time, the status will be reported as pending.

State Model

The Radix Engine consists of "global entities". A global entity has a Bech32m Address, with a human-readable-prefix (and prefix byte) matching the entity type.

As an example, entities include concepts like Components, Packages, Vaults, Resource Managers and Key-Value Stores.

Each entity owns substates which store data, and these substates can own other entities. For example, an Account Component has a struct substate which owns a Key-Value Store. This Key-Value store has an entry for each resoure the Account owns, and each Key-Value Store Entry owns a corresponding Vault.

For each global entity, the Gateway aggregates its owned resources by looking at the contents of Vaults in the subtree of entities under that global entity.


Request-Response Format

The API is designed in a JSON-RPC-like style, using HTTP as a transport layer, which means that:

  • Requests always use the HTTP POST method.
  • There is no HTTP cache involved.
  • Client-originated errors result in HTTP 4xx error responses.
  • Server-originated errors result in HTTP 5xx error responses:
    • The error object contains an HTTP-like code
    • The error object also contains a structured/typed properties, with a type discriminator, allowing for structured error interpretation in client software.

Pagination Model

Many collections have dynamic length, so these are exposed through a pagination model. The Gateway API uses cursor-based pagination model where the existence of the cursor indicates that next chunk (page) of the underlying collection is available, and can be used in a subsequent request to query for it.

collection {
  int64? total_count,
  string? next_cursor,
  T[] items
  • total_count (optional) if present indicates the overall size of the underlying collection,
  • next_cursor (optional) if present indicates that the next chunk (page) exists and can be fetched using collection-specific endpoint and cursor value,
  • items a chunk (page) of underlying collection items.

To provide consistent reads when querying for the next pages, it's required to provide the at_ledger_state parameter. It will enforce that data returned for all pages is generated using the same ledger state.

State consistency and versioning

Each response from a state endpoint returns data from a single "snapshot" of the ledger. By default, the latest available ledger version is used. All state responses include a ledger_state property in their root object, which captures which ledger version was used by the gateway to generate the response.

Because the state of entities constantly changes, the ledger_state object makes it clear which state was used to generate the response. The ledger_state object includes the state_version (ie the unique ID of that state version, which can also be used to uniquely identify the last transaction which brought the ledger to that state version), the timestamp (which may be shared by neighbouring transactions, but does not decrease) and the epoch and round in that epoch when the transaction was committed (again, the pair (epoch, round) may be shared by neighbouring transactions).

Browsing historical data

All endpoints with an at_ledger_state parameter allow you to request a particular snapshot is used for generating the response. In this way, you can browse historical state at a given point in time.

You can specify one of:

  • state_version
  • timestamp - which will query against the nearest state version before that timestamp
  • epoch - which will query against the result of the first transaction in that epoch
  • A pair of epoch and round - which will query against the result of the first transaction in that epoch and round

For example, the following request will return the current state (at the current tip of the ledger) for the entity with address: resource_rdx1tknxxxxxxxxxradxrdxxxxxxxxx009923554798xxxxxxxxxradxrd (ie XRD).


  "addresses": [

Whereas the following request will return the state of XRD as it was at state version 1000, near the start of the Babylon ledger:


  "addresses": [
  "at_ledger_state": {
    "state_version": 1000

Consistent reads

As described in Browsing historical data it is possible to specify the exact ledger state by providing the at_ledger_state parameter.

It can be used to browse historical data but it also allows consistent reads when making multiple requests (either when paginating or when collecting data from multiple endpoints).

Imagine a situation when your key value store contains 128 keys. To fetch all the keys and it is data you would need to make at least 4 requests (2 to paginate through all keys and 2 to fetch all the data). Using the same at_ledger_state parameter value it is guaranteed that you are fetching all the data from exactly the same ledger state.

Example requests:

First page of keys:


  "key_value_store_address": "internal_keyvaluestore_rdx1kprq4hx5892fuezay6tyajyu0gr2jeu8j7alauxen46xu8ufzvecph"


  "ledger_state": {
    "network": "mainnet",
    "state_version": 50576725,
    "proposer_round_timestamp": "2024-02-20T16:46:22.343Z",
    "epoch": 74324,
    "round": 84
  "total_count": 128,
  "next_cursor": "eyJvIjoxMDB9",
  "items": [...]

Second page of keys:


  "key_value_store_address": "internal_keyvaluestore_rdx1kprq4hx5892fuezay6tyajyu0gr2jeu8j7alauxen46xu8ufzvecph",
  "cursor": "eyJvIjoxMDB9",
  "at_ledger_state": {
    "state_version": 50576725


  "ledger_state": {
    "network": "mainnet",
    "state_version": 50576725,
    "proposer_round_timestamp": "2024-02-20T16:46:22.343Z",
    "epoch": 74324,
    "round": 84
  "total_count": 128,
  "items": []

Get data for one of the keys:


  "key_value_store_address": "internal_keyvaluestore_rdx1kprq4hx5892fuezay6tyajyu0gr2jeu8j7alauxen46xu8ufzvecph",
  "keys": [
      "key_hex": "5c80c0c72cd2cbca7263e84e9ec83a6c9cee2121d466bf3cc8640d4d06909af6"
  "at_ledger_state": {
    "state_version": 50576725


  "ledger_state": {
    "network": "mainnet",
    "state_version": 50577454,
    "proposer_round_timestamp": "2024-02-20T16:49:22.861Z",
    "epoch": 74324,
    "round": 795
  "key_value_store_address": "internal_keyvaluestore_rdx1kprq4hx5892fuezay6tyajyu0gr2jeu8j7alauxen46xu8ufzvecph",
  "entries": [
      "key": {
      "value": {
      "last_updated_at_state_version": 1351581,
      "is_locked": false

All the above requests were executed against exactly the same ledger snapshot (state version 50577454).

Using endpoints with opt-in features

To reduce bandwith and wasted work, some properties in certain endpoints are optional.

Most opt-ins default to false if not provided, and you can ask for the supplementary data by explicitly setting the corresponding opt-in property to true.

Some opt-ins for backwards-compatibility default to true. In these cases, explicitly providing a value of false will opt out of the data and save bandwidth.

Endpoints that currently support opt-ins include the following. Check out the request schemas under the endpoints themselves for more detail on how to request opt-ins:


For example, the following request will return a simple, short response with opt-ins disabled:


  "intent_hash": "txid_rdx1t44y7lrqtrmn0pq4gxgsmn035lh5glws273h0lsff37jnzj2ylls3aeumn"
// Response
  "ledger_state": {
    "network": "mainnet",
    "state_version": 5151578,
    "proposer_round_timestamp": "2023-10-11T07:21:03.167Z",
    "epoch": 36452,
    "round": 1060
  "transaction": {
    "transaction_status": "CommittedSuccess",
    "state_version": 5150877,
    "epoch": 36452,
    "round": 362,
    "round_timestamp": "2023-10-11T07:18:30.417Z",
    "payload_hash": "notarizedtransaction_rdx1hjlstgpadgpyeulp5yahrcz56ymkmsukmrjv42nwzvygfl9nyfhsxccm42",
    "intent_hash": "txid_rdx1t44y7lrqtrmn0pq4gxgsmn035lh5glws273h0lsff37jnzj2ylls3aeumn",
    "fee_paid": "0.25417642453",
    "confirmed_at": "2023-10-11T07:18:30.417Z",
    "receipt": {
      "status": "CommittedSuccess",
      "output": [
          "hex": "5c2100",
          "programmatic_json": null
          "hex": "5c90f8ef824eb480c16bbceebcc36d0e263b9ebf287cdcab710332344104f11c",
          "programmatic_json": null
          "hex": "5c2100",
          "programmatic_json": null
          "hex": "5c2100",
          "programmatic_json": null

Or, if we're interested in the raw transaction payload, we can enable it in the response by requesting the "raw_hex" opt-in, which will result in the raw_hex property being returned:

  "intent_hash": "txid_rdx1t44y7lrqtrmn0pq4gxgsmn035lh5glws273h0lsff37jnzj2ylls3aeumn",
  "opt_ins": {
    "raw_hex": true
// Response
  "ledger_state": {
    "network": "mainnet",
    "state_version": 5152002,
    "proposer_round_timestamp": "2023-10-11T07:22:45.886Z",
    "epoch": 36453,
    "round": 152
  "transaction": {
    "transaction_status": "CommittedSuccess",
    "state_version": 5150877,
    "epoch": 36452,
    "round": 362,
    "round_timestamp": "2023-10-11T07:18:30.417Z",
    "payload_hash": "notarizedtransaction_rdx1hjlstgpadgpyeulp5yahrcz56ymkmsukmrjv42nwzvygfl9nyfhsxccm42",
    "intent_hash": "txid_rdx1t44y7lrqtrmn0pq4gxgsmn035lh5glws273h0lsff37jnzj2ylls3aeumn",
    "fee_paid": "0.25417642453",
    "confirmed_at": "2023-10-11T07:18:30.417Z",
    "raw_hex": "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",
    "receipt": {
      "status": "CommittedSuccess",
      "output": [
          "hex": "5c2100",
          "programmatic_json": null
          "hex": "5c90f8ef824eb480c16bbceebcc36d0e263b9ebf287cdcab710332344104f11c",
          "programmatic_json": null
          "hex": "5c2100",
          "programmatic_json": null
          "hex": "5c2100",
          "programmatic_json": null


Querying for entity data, including fungible and non-fungible resources.

The Gateway API has different entry points which can be used to fetch entity data.

The /state/entity/details is the main endpoint - it takes a list of entity addresses, and returns various details for those entities, which differs per entity type. A detailed specification of the response model for each entity is given in the response schema for the endpoint later in this doc. The endpoint also also supports a number of opt-ins detailed below. Many of these opt-ins return a "first page" of related data for each entity. Further pages can be requested from the /page/ endpoints.

The entity details endpoint is supplemented by various paged endpoints, which return collections:

  • /state/entity/page/metadata → returns entity metadata, and can be used as entry point for further pagination with the cursor returned from /state/entity/details

  • /state/entity/page/schemas → returns entity schemas, and can be used as an entry point for further pagination from a cursor returned from /state/entity/details

  • /state/entity/page/fungibles/ → can be used as an entry point to fetch fungible resources under a given global entity or for further pagination with the cursor returned from /state/entity/details

  • /state/entity/page/fungible-vaults/ → can be used as an entry point to fetch fungible vaults of a given resource under a given global entity or for further pagination with a cursor returned from /state/entity/details

  • /state/entity/page/non-fungibles/ → can be used as an entry point to fetch non-fungible resources under a given global entity or for further pagination with a cursor returned from /state/entity/details

  • /state/entity/page/non-fungible-vaults/ → can be used as an entry point to fetch non-fungible vaults of a given resource under a given global entity or for further pagination with a cursor returned from /state/entity/details

  • /state/entity/page/non-fungible-vault/ids → can be used as an entry point to fetch non fungible-ids in a given vault or for further pagination from a cursor returned from /state/entity/details

  • /state/package/page/blueprints → can be used as an entry point to fetch blueprints of a given package entity or for further pagination with a cursor returned from /state/entity/details

  • /state/package/page/codes → can be used as an entry point to fetch codes of a given package entity or for further pagination with a cursor returned from /state/entity/details


/state/entity/details endpoint returns only the first page of metadata. If the queried entity contains more than one page of metadata items, a next_cursor will be returned, which can be used as cursor in the /state/entity/page/metadata endpoint to fetch further pages.

You can also explicitly specify a list of metadata keys which you wish to be included on any returned objects. You can do that by filling the explicit_metadata opt-in with the metadata keys you wish to load.

For example, the following request will return the regular metadata property in the response, but will also contain an explicit_metadata section containing name and description for each returned entity (if they are defined for that entity).


  "addresses": [
  "opt_ins": {
    "explicit_metadata": [
// Response
// ...
"explicit_metadata": {
  "total_count": 2,
  "items": [
      "key": "name",
      "value": {
        "raw_hex": "5c2200010c055261646978",
        "programmatic_json": {
          "kind": "Enum",
          "variant_id": "0",
          "fields": [
              "kind": "String",
              "value": "Radix"
        "typed": {
          "value": "Radix",
          "type": "String"
      "is_locked": true,
      "last_updated_at_state_version": 2
      "key": "description",
      "value": {
        "raw_hex": "5c2200010c9e01546865205261646978205075626c6963204e6574776f726b2773206e617469766520746f6b656e2c207573656420746f2070617920746865206e6574776f726b2773207265717569726564207472616e73616374696f6e206665657320616e6420746f2073656375726520746865206e6574776f726b207468726f756768207374616b696e6720746f206974732076616c696461746f72206e6f6465732e",
        "programmatic_json": {
          "kind": "Enum",
          "variant_id": "0",
          "fields": [
              "kind": "String",
              "value": "The Radix Public Network's native token, used to pay the network's required transaction fees and to secure the network through staking to its validator nodes."
        "typed": {
          "value": "The Radix Public Network's native token, used to pay the network's required transaction fees and to secure the network through staking to its validator nodes.",
          "type": "String"
      "is_locked": true,
      "last_updated_at_state_version": 2
// ...

Resource aggregation

Both fungible and non-fungible resources can be aggregated globally or per vault. This is controlled by the aggregation_level request field.

  • Global - If the entity contains multiple vaults of the same resource, or nested components which contains vaults of the same resource, the total balance across all these vaults will be returned. This mode is useful for TVL style calculations.

  • Vault - Each vault is returned separately. This mode is useful for non-fungibles, because you get the vault ids which you can use to paginated ids from a vault.

Fungible resources opt-in

This opt-in returns only the first page of fungible resources under the entity. If the queried entity contains more resources, a next_cursor will be returned, which can be used with the /state/entity/page/fungibles/ endpoint for requesting further pages.

If you requested vault aggregation, only the first page of vaults are returned for each resource. If a next_cursor is returned, further vaults for that resource can be fetched using that cursor with the /state/entity/page/fungible-vaults/ endpoint.

Non-fungible resources opt-in

This opt-in returns only the first page of non-fungible resources under the entity. If the queried entity contains more resources, a next_cursor will be returned, which can be used with the /state/entity/page/non-fungibles/ endpoint for requesting further pages.

If you requested vault aggregation, only the first page of vaults are returned for each resource . If a next_cursor is returned, further vaults for that resource can be fetched using that cursor with the /state/entity/page/non-fungible-vaults/ endpoint.

If the non_fungible_include_nfids opt-in is set to true AND vault aggregation was requested, the response will also contain the first page of non-fungible ids in each returned vault. If the vault contains more than one page of ids, a next_cursor is returned, which can be used with the /state/entity/page/non-fungible-vault/ids endpoint to load further non-fungible ids in the vault.

Using the /stream/transactions endpoint

The transaction stream endpoint can be used to read a filtered stream of transaction results.

State version

You can narrow the range of transactions by specifying ledger state boundaries with the at_ledger_state and from_ledger_state filters.

at_ledger_state lets you specify at which state version you want to query. It's same for almost all endpoints where you can basically travel in time on ledger. Let's say it's currently state version 347 062 but for any reason you'd like to check how ledger looked like at state version 100 If not specified it'll always query against current tip of the ledger.

For example, the following request will return the transaction stream as it was for state version 100 (by default all user transactions before state version 100, from latest to oldest)

  "at_ledger_state": {"state_version": 100 }

By contrast, from_ledger_state lets you specify a lower boundary of state versions. This can be used to "page forward" through the transaction stream (although by default only user transactions will be returned, and they will be in descending order):


  "from_ledger_state": {"state_version": 50 },

You can combine these two, for example the following request will return all user transactions with state version s between 100 and 300 inclusive (in desceding order).


  "from_ledger_state": {"state_version": 100 },
  "at_ledger_state": {"state_version": 300 }

Supported filters

The transaction stream endpoint allows additional filters. A transaction has to satisfy all filters in order to be returned.

The currently supported filters are:

  • kind_filter - One of User, EpochChange, All. You can use that filter to query for certain kinds of transactions. Defaults to User.

  • manifest_accounts_withdrawn_from_filter - Allows specifying an array of account addresses. If specified, the response will contain only transactions with a manifest containing withdrawals from the given accounts.

  • manifest_accounts_deposited_into_filter - Similar to withdrawn, but will return only transactions with a manifest containing deposits to the given accounts.

  • manifest_resources_filter - Allows specifying array of resource addresses. If specified, the response will contain only transactions containing the given resources in the manifest (regardless of their usage). We recommend that integrators use balance_change_resources_filter in most cases, as it also captures resource changes that are not specified in the manifest.

  • manifest_badges_presented_filter - Allows specifying array of badge resource addresses. If specified, the response will contain only transactions where the given badges were presented.

  • accounts_with_manifest_owner_method_calls - Allows specifying an array of account addresses. If specified, the response will contain only transactions that, for all specified accounts, contain manifest method calls to that account which require the owner role. See the account docs for more information.

  • accounts_without_manifest_owner_method_calls - Allows specifying an array of account addresses. If specified, the response will contain only transactions that, for all specified accounts, do NOT contain manifest method calls to that account which require owner role. See the account docs for more information.

  • manifest_class_filter - Allows filtering to transactions which match the given manifest classification. If specified, the response will contain only transactions which have a class that matches the filter. If match_only_most_specific set to true, only transactions where the queried class is most specific will be returned. See the docs on manifest classification for more information.

  • affected_global_entities_filter - Allows specifying an array of global addresses. If specified, the response will contain transactions that affected all of the given global entities. A global entity is marked as "affected" by a transaction if any of its state (or its descendents' state) was modified as a result of the transaction. For performance reasons consensus manager and transaction tracker are excluded from that filter.

  • event_global_emitters_filter - Allows specifying an array of global addresses. If specified, the response will contain transactions in which all entities emitted events. If an event was published by an internal entity, it is going to be indexed as it is a global ancestor. For performance reasons events published by consensus manager and native XRD resource are excluded from that filter.

  • events_filter - Filters the transaction stream to transactions which emitted at least one event matching each filter (each filter can be satisfied by a different event). Currently only deposit and withdrawal events emitted by an internal vault entity are tracked. For the purpose of filtering, the emitter address is replaced by the global ancestor of the emitter, for example, the top-level account / component which contains the vault which emitted the event.

  • balance_change_resources_filter - Allows filtering to transactions which included non-fee related balance changes for all provided resources. Defaults to []. We recommend that integrators use this instead of the manifest_resources_filter in most cases, as it also captures resource changes that are not specified in the manifest.

  • transaction_status_filter - Allows filtering by the transaction commit status (Success, Failure, All). Defaults to All.

Each filter is a complex object where you can specify:

  • event (required) - the event tag. Currently only the following tags are supported:
    • {"event": "Withdrawal"} - Filters to "Withdraw" events from fungible and non-fungible vaults
    • {"event": "Deposit"} - Filters to "Deposit" events from fungible and non-fungible vaults
  • emitter_address (optional) - The "global emitter". Adding a global address here filters to matching events which have an emitter entity which is a descendent of the given global address, e.g. using {"emitter_address" : "account_rdx16y76fepuvxqpv6gp6qswqymwhj5ng6sduugj4z6yysccvdg95g0dtr" } filters to events emitted by vaults inside that account.
  • resource_address (optional) - Adding a resource address here filters to matching events which concern the given resource, e.g. {"resource_address" : "resource_rdx1tknxxxxxxxxxradxrdxxxxxxxxx009923554798xxxxxxxxxradxrd"} matches only events which involve XRD.

As an example, the following query selects all transactions where the first account withdrew XRD and the second account deposited XRD:

  "events_filter": [
      "event": "Withdrawal",
      "emitter_address": "account_rdx16y76fepuvxqpv6gp6qswqymwhj5ng6sduugj4z6yysccvdg95g0dtr",
      "resource_address": "resource_rdx1tknxxxxxxxxxradxrdxxxxxxxxx009923554798xxxxxxxxxradxrd"
      "event": "Deposit",
      "emitter_address": "account_rdx12x5vk07qcez6xj0zt8ve0x2g20mrssk0vrest3vf0qljd76r6zfvsx",
      "resource_address": "resource_rdx1tknxxxxxxxxxradxrdxxxxxxxxx009923554798xxxxxxxxxradxrd"

Request Validation

The overall number of the applied filters can be limited. In a case of collection-based filters every item counts as a separate filter. By default up to 10 filters can be specified. The sample query below uses 5 filters in total: 1 kind_filter, 3 manifest_resources_filters and 1 events_filter.

  "kind_filter": "All",
  "manifest_resources_filter": [
  "events_filter": [
      "event": "Deposit",
      "emitter_address": "account_rdx12x5vk07qcez6xj0zt8ve0x2g20mrssk0vrest3vf0qljd76r6zfvsx",
      "resource_address": "resource_rdx1tknxxxxxxxxxradxrdxxxxxxxxx009923554798xxxxxxxxxradxrd"


If the limit_per_page request hint parameter is lower than the overall number of transactions to be returned or the internal limiter kick in, a next_cursor will be returned. It can be used in subsequent requests as the cursor parameter to fetch further pages.

For example, the following request will return a cursor:


  "kind_filter": "All",
  "from_ledger_state": { "state_version": 100 },
  "at_ledger_state": { "state_version": 300 },
  "limit_per_page": 1
// Returns
  // ...
  "next_cursor": "eyJ2IjoyOTl9",
  // ...

Which can be used in the next query to fetch further pages:


  "kind_filter": "All",
  "from_ledger_state": { "state_version": 100 },
  "at_ledger_state": { "state_version": 300 },
  "limit_per_page": 1,
  "cursor": "eyJ2IjoyOTl9"


By default, transactions are returned in descending order (highest state version / most recent first).

You can change this to ascending order by setting the order parameter to Asc


  // ...
  "order": "Asc"
  // ...

Keep in mind that if order is ascending you'll start fetching transactions from the oldest first and with each page you'll fetch newer transactions.

Reading events to find out what happened in a given dApp

Currently the gateway supports filtering by withdrawal and deposit events only. We wish to support other filters in future.

For the time being, if your dApp component always updates state along with emitting events, you can use the affected filter to filter to all transactions which affected your component, and extract relevant events from those transactions.

For example, to find all transactions which affected component_rdx1cq4ugccz6pg89w83ujanqlycw566kd9c9vxxuc9r45p7vues2649t4, (and therefore all events which it emitted), you can use the following request:


  "kind_filter": "All",
  "affected_global_entities_filter": ["component_rdx1cq4ugccz6pg89w83ujanqlycw566kd9c9vxxuc9r45p7vues2649t4"],
  "opt_ins": { "receipt_events": true }

This will return the first page of all transactions, including their emitted events (which was enabled by using the receipt_events opt-in). These emitted events can be filtered by the client to just events which were emitted by the given component (component_rdx1cq4ugccz6pg89w83ujanqlycw566kd9c9vxxuc9r45p7vues2649t4 in this case).

// Response
  "transaction_status": "CommittedSuccess",
  "state_version": 14614370,
  "epoch": 44797,
  "round": 655,
  "round_timestamp": "2023-11-09T13:29:32.27Z",
  "payload_hash": "notarizedtransaction_rdx1dmjjaww667cq388hpx4jv895yj42l7ezynqycdr97ht9s4mkhzssejpcxz",
  "intent_hash": "txid_rdx1l0y5gw45aup7r8ex863s2ahhfwz9vdfv8jktqhcypegcf3vlk6zqhnmj9a",
  "fee_paid": "0.57054833978",
  "confirmed_at": "2023-11-09T13:29:32.27Z",
  "receipt": {
    "status": "CommittedSuccess",
    "events": [
        "name": "LockFeeEvent",
        "emitter": {
          "type": "Method",
          "entity": {
            "is_global": false,
            "entity_type": "InternalFungibleVault",
            "entity_address": "internal_vault_rdx1tzst8p8vvagnyyev8eu209h6fhmdvk334vhx0vhk4em02p89hlaluu"
          "object_module_id": "Main"
        "data": {
          "fields": [
              "value": "0.713902721272999997",
              "kind": "Decimal",
              "field_name": "amount"
          "kind": "Tuple",
          "type_name": "LockFeeEvent"
        "name": "WithdrawEvent",
        "emitter": {
          "type": "Method",
          "entity": {
            "is_global": false,
            "entity_type": "InternalFungibleVault",
            "entity_address": "internal_vault_rdx1tpl4g48ul8tz8agtll35m7f936f2vuj4f8up9wlcgu6lj566vmashl"
          "object_module_id": "Main"
        "data": {
          "fields": [
              "value": "20",
              "kind": "Decimal",
              "field_name": "amount"
          "kind": "Tuple",
          "type_name": "WithdrawEvent"
      // ...
// ...

How role assignment works

Blueprints define a list of different roles which control access to their features. Global components of a given blueprint provide assignments of access rules to those roles.

You can get the roles and role assignments for a blueprint from the /state/entity/details endpoint.

For example, let's take a look at the XRD resource:


  "addresses": [

The response will contain two main parts. The definition of the owner role, and a list of all role assignments for that component:

"role_assignments": {
  "owner": {
    // ...
  "entries": [
    // ...

Each role assignment conceptually includes:

  • An assigned rule which defines what are the requirements to access that role.
  • Its updater which defines which role is allowed to update the assignment.

The Owner role

The owner role assignment includes the rule which specifies the requirements you have to meet to act as the owner of the entity. In the below example you need to have access to a proof of a certain non-fungible id.

The updater of an owner role assingment is either None or specifies the owner can update itself.

  "owner": {
    "rule": {
      "type": "Protected",
      "access_rule": {
        "type": "ProofRule",
        "proof_rule": {
          "type": "Require",
          "requirement": {
            "type": "NonFungible",
            "non_fungible": {
              "local_id": {
                "id_type": "Integer",
                "sbor_hex": "5cc0010000000000000000",
                "simple_rep": "#0#"
              "resource_address": "resource_rdx1nfxxxxxxxxxxsystxnxxxxxxxxx002683325037xxxxxxxxxsystxn"
    "updater": "None"

Role assignment entries

Each role assignment contains three fields:

  • role_key - a composite key consisting of the entity module which defines the role and the name of the role inside the module.
  • assignment - the assigned rule. It could be either Explicit as in the below example and contain an inline rule, or Owner which means the owner role is used.
  • updater_roles - a fixed list of role_keys which act as updaters for the role, defined on the blueprint. Access to any of these updater roles permits someone to update the assignment for this role.

An example assignment entry is the following. This response indicates that the given resource can be burned by an actor who has access to a proof of a specific global caller badge:

"role_key": {
  "module": "Main",
  "name": "burner"
"assignment": {
  "resolution": "Explicit",
  "explicit_rule": {
    "type": "Protected",
    "access_rule": {
      "type": "ProofRule",
      "proof_rule": {
        "type": "Require",
        "requirement": {
          "type": "NonFungible",
          "non_fungible": {
            "local_id": {
              "id_type": "Bytes",
              "sbor_hex": "5cc0022068c44e9d432e71c51e2a2ac285897b372328d8b31374ff29131bc6b25b6bd070",
              "simple_rep": "[68c44e9d432e71c51e2a2ac285897b372328d8b31374ff29131bc6b25b6bd070]"
            "resource_address": "resource_rdx1nfxxxxxxxxxxglcllrxxxxxxxxx002350006550xxxxxxxxxglcllr"
"updater_roles": [
    "module": "Main",
    "name": "burner_updater"

How to query the content of a key-value store inside a component

An example component

Imagine a component which can store resources into named vaults. To support arbitrary names, it might store these vaults in a KeyValueStore<String, Vault> as follows. We will use this blueprint for demonstrating some requests.

use scrypto::prelude::*;

mod multi_vault {
    use scrypto::prelude::Vault;

    struct MultiVault {
        token_vaults: KeyValueStore<String, Vault>

    impl MultiVault {
        pub fn instantiate_multivault() -> Global<MultiVault> {
            Self {
                token_vaults: KeyValueStore::new()

        pub fn deposit_to_vault(&mut self, vault_id: String, deposit: Bucket) {
            let tmp_token_vaults = self.token_vaults.get_mut(&vault_id);
            match tmp_token_vaults {
                Some(mut vault) => vault.put(deposit),
                None => {
                    self.token_vaults.insert(vault_id, Vault::with_bucket(deposit))

Querying for KeyValueStore address

Let's say that after creating a component with the above blueprint, we created 3 vaults "1", "2", "3" and transfered some amount of resource to each of them.

If you'd like to look at the content of the KeyValueStore, you need to first get its address. You can do that by calling /state/entity/details with the instantiated component address:


  "addresses": [

In the response you'll receive the state of that component which will contain the address of that KeyValueStore:

      // ...
      "details": {
        // ...
        "state": {
          "kind": "Tuple",
          "type_name": "MultiVault",
          "fields": [
              "kind": "Own",
              "type_name": "KeyValueStore",
              "field_name": "token_vaults",
              "value": "internal_keyvaluestore_tdx_2_1kzjd929eqlzd9n02uuj8jd48705vcrpvhv4mgxnaltrgystnca3qxk"

Iterating over all KeyValueStore keys

You can use the /state/key-value-store/keys endpoint to iterate over all the keys in a certain key value store. If the queried key value store contains more than one page of keys, a next_cursor will be returned, which can be used as a cursor in the request to fetch further pages.



  "key_value_store_address": "internal_keyvaluestore_tdx_2_1kzjd929eqlzd9n02uuj8jd48705vcrpvhv4mgxnaltrgystnca3qxk"

Will respond with a first page of the keys of the current entries of the key value store. This collection is ordered by the entry first appearance on the network, descending. Each item includes the entry's key (in both hex and programmatic_json form) and the state version when it was last updated.

  "total_count": 8,
  "items": [
      "key": {
        "raw_hex": "5c0c0131",
        "programmatic_json": {
          "value": "1",
          "kind": "String"
      "last_updated_at_state_version": 4939670
  "key_value_store_address": "internal_keyvaluestore_tdx_2_1kzjd929eqlzd9n02uuj8jd48705vcrpvhv4mgxnaltrgystnca3qxk"

Querying for the content under specific keys

You can either use the keys returned from the /state/key-value-store/keys endpoint or construct keys in json form on your own, if you know the key type of the KeyValueStore.

Querying using hex keys

Simply grab the raw_hex key returned from the /state/key-value-store/keys endpoint and call /state/key-value-store/data with it as a parameter.



  "key_value_store_address": "internal_keyvaluestore_tdx_2_1kzjd929eqlzd9n02uuj8jd48705vcrpvhv4mgxnaltrgystnca3qxk",
  "keys": [
      "key_hex": "5c0c0131"

Will respond with data held under that key:

  "key_value_store_address": "internal_keyvaluestore_tdx_2_1kzjd929eqlzd9n02uuj8jd48705vcrpvhv4mgxnaltrgystnca3qxk",
  "entries": [
      "key": {
        "raw_hex": "5c0c0131",
        "programmatic_json": {
          "value": "1",
          "kind": "String"
      "value": {
        "raw_hex": "5c90588c6d59227f64bd7fc68e38bf7c7013cf179a78d5562ce9378b1378e2fa",
        "programmatic_json": {
          "value": "internal_vault_tdx_2_1tzxx6kfz0ajt6l7x3cut7lrsz0830xnc64tze6fh3vfh3ch6587c5d",
          "kind": "Own",
          "type_name": "Vault"
      "last_updated_at_state_version": 4939415,
      "is_locked": false

In our case, we may want to look up information about the vault (for example, the vault's resource address and balance). This can be done with the /state/entity/details endpoint.

Constructing json keys

The json keys are specified as programmatic SBOR JSON (which is a recursive data format, with each layer being a discriminated union with the kind discriminator). Search for SBOR on our docs site for more information on SBOR and the programmatic SBOR JSON format.

In this case, our KeyValueStore keys are strings, so each key is identified as programmatic SBOR JSON with two properties:

"key_json": {
    "kind": "String",
    "value": "{Id}"

And we can use that json in /state/key-value-store/data simply replacing {Id} with our vault name, for example, "1":


"key_value_store_address": "internal_keyvaluestore_tdx_2_1kzjd929eqlzd9n02uuj8jd48705vcrpvhv4mgxnaltrgystnca3qxk",
  "keys": [
      "key_json": {
          "kind": "String",
          "value": "1"

The API will respond with content which is held under the given key:

// Response
  // ...
  "key_value_store_address": "internal_keyvaluestore_tdx_2_1kzjd929eqlzd9n02uuj8jd48705vcrpvhv4mgxnaltrgystnca3qxk",
  "entries": [
      "key": {
        "raw_hex": "5c0c0131",
        "programmatic_json": {
          "value": "1",
          "kind": "String"
      "value": {
        "raw_hex": "5c90588c6d59227f64bd7fc68e38bf7c7013cf179a78d5562ce9378b1378e2fa",
        "programmatic_json": {
          "value": "internal_vault_tdx_2_1tzxx6kfz0ajt6l7x3cut7lrsz0830xnc64tze6fh3vfh3ch6587c5d",
          "kind": "Own",
          "type_name": "Vault"
      // ...

In our case, we may want to look up information about the vault (for example, the vault's resource address and balance). This can be done with the /state/entity/details endpoint.

Detailed Events Explained

The detailed events feature provides additional context and data to the regular event model returned by the /transaction/committed-details and /stream/transactions endpoints. To include it in the response, enable the detailed_events opt-in.



  "intent_hash": "txid_tdx_2_1g42eke90x4yhur505kt3hthhaflyc7fmce5p09jwr6wglw35qrus6w34tw",
  "opt_ins": {
    "detailed_events": true

Let's compare an example event returned in both models.

Example Event JSON

Legacy Event Model

  "name": "DepositEvent",
  "emitter": {
    "type": "Method",
    "entity": {
      "is_global": false,
      "entity_type": "InternalFungibleVault",
      "entity_address": "internal_vault_tdx_2_1tr3jllkjd0h0k7sxtj5fy87fw6sfl33yc89j7fzwz0qp29k4dljgxv"
    "object_module_id": "Main"
  "data": {
    "fields": [
        "value": "10000",
        "kind": "Decimal",
        "field_name": "amount"
    "kind": "Tuple",
    "type_name": "DepositEvent"

Detailed Event Model

  "identifier": {
    "package": "package_tdx_2_1pkgxxxxxxxxxresrcexxxxxxxxx000538436477xxxxxxxxxmn4mes",
    "blueprint": "FungibleVault",
    "event": "DepositEvent"
  "payload_type_definition": {
    "local_type_id": 25,
    "entity": "package_tdx_2_1pkgxxxxxxxxxresrcexxxxxxxxx000538436477xxxxxxxxxmn4mes",
    "schema_hash_hex": "462a3fea283117aab2b01c297812bdc0fa9060b29eb5e68b847f361bc1201933",
    "kind": "SchemaLocal"
  "emitter": {
    "method_emitter": {
      "entity": "internal_vault_tdx_2_1tr3jllkjd0h0k7sxtj5fy87fw6sfl33yc89j7fzwz0qp29k4dljgxv",
      "module": "Main"
    "outer_emitter": "resource_tdx_2_1tknxxxxxxxxxradxrdxxxxxxxxx009923554798xxxxxxxxxtfd2jc",
    "global_emitter": "account_tdx_2_12x6f0l694e9fhcvcaqw9vs0mnp8m4k74cqkdkgxg2w8rvp4k63ru7r",
    "type": "EntityMethod"
  "payload": {
    "programmatic_json": {
      "fields": [
          "value": "10000",
          "kind": "Decimal",
          "field_name": "amount"
      "kind": "Tuple",
      "type_name": "DepositEvent"


Identifier Data

The legacy event model provides only the event name (DepositEvent). In contrast, the detailed event model includes the blueprint name (FungibleVault) and the package containing this blueprint (package_tdx_2_1pkgxxxxxxxxxresrcexxxxxxxxx000538436477xxxxxxxxxmn4mes).

Emitter Data

The detailed event model adds two properties covering the outer object (if it exists) and global ancestor of the emitter in the state tree. As an example, for events emitted by account vaults, this translates to:

  • outer_emitter: The resource address of the asset held in the vault.
  • global_emitter: The account that owns the vault emitting the event.

The detailed event model omits the is_global and entity_type fields because these can be inferred directly from the returned entity address.


Both models provide the same payload data. In both cases, the payload is decoded to programmatic JSON using a schema. In the detailed event model, this data is additionally wrapped in a programmatic_json field.

A new addition in the detailed event model is the payload_type_definition field, which provides information about the event schema. In the example above, this field points to a schema (SchemaLocal) with a local_type_id of 25. This schema is defined in package_tdx_2_1pkgxxxxxxxxxresrcexxxxxxxxx000538436477xxxxxxxxxmn4mes package and has a hash of 462a3fea283117aab2b01c297812bdc0fa9060b29eb5e68b847f361bc1201933.

Status Endpoints

Query information about the Gateway API status.

Get Gateway Status

Returns the Gateway API version and current ledger state.


Network Gateway Information

Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "release_info": {

Get Network Configuration

Returns network identifier, network name and well-known network addresses.


Network Configuration

Response samples
  • "network_id": "<network-id>",
  • "network_name": "<network-name>",
  • "well_known_addresses": {

Transaction Endpoints

Query status of, construct, preview and submit transactions.

Get Construction Metadata

Returns information needed to construct a new transaction including current epoch number.


Returns information needed to construct transaction.

Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {

Preview Transaction

Preview a transaction against the latest network state, and returns the preview receipt. If the node has enabled it, you may be able to also preview against recent network state.

For V2 transactions (and beyond) the /preview-v2 endpoint should be used instead.

This endpoint is effectively a proxy towards the Core API /transaction/preview endpoint. See the Core API documentation for more details.

Request Body schema: application/json
object (TransactionPreviewOptIns)

A set of flags to configure the response of the transaction preview.


A text-representation of a transaction manifest

Array of strings

An array of hex-encoded blob data, if referenced by the manifest.

integer <int64> [ 0 .. 10000000000 ]

An integer between 0 and 10^10, marking the epoch at which the transaction startsbeing valid. If omitted, the current epoch will be used.

integer <int64> [ 0 .. 10000000000 ]

An integer between 0 and 10^10, marking the epoch at which the transaction is no longer valid. If omitted, a maximum epoch (relative to the start_epoch_inclusive) will be used.

object (PublicKey)

Whether the notary should be used as a signer (optional). If not provided, this defaults to false.

integer <int32> [ 0 .. 65535 ]

An integer between 0 and 65535, giving the validator tip as a percentage amount. A value of 1 corresponds to a 1% fee. If not provided, this defaults to 0.

integer <int64> >= 0

An integer between 0 and 2^32 - 1, chosen to allow a unique intent to be created (to enable submitting an otherwise identical/duplicate intent). If not provided, this defaults to 0.

Array of objects (PublicKey)

A list of public keys to be used as transaction signers. If not provided, this defaults to an empty array.


An optional transaction message. Only affects the costing. This type is defined in the Core API as TransactionMessage. See the Core API documentation for more details.

object (PreviewFlags)

Successful Preview


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "opt_ins": {
  • "manifest": "string",
  • "blobs_hex": [
  • "start_epoch_inclusive": 10000000000,
  • "end_epoch_exclusive": 10000000000,
  • "notary_public_key": {
  • "notary_is_signatory": true,
  • "tip_percentage": 65535,
  • "nonce": 0,
  • "signer_public_keys": [
  • "message": { },
  • "flags": {
Response samples
  • "encoded_receipt": "string",
  • "radix_engine_toolkit_receipt": { },
  • "receipt": { },
  • "resource_changes": [
  • "logs": [

Preview Transaction V2

Previews a transaction against the latest network state, and returns the preview receipt. If the node has enabled it, you may be able to also preview against recent network state.

This endpoint supports V2 transactions (and beyond). If you still need to preview V1 transactions, you should use the /preview endpoint instead.

This endpoint is effectively a proxy towards the Core API /transaction/preview-v2 endpoint. See the Core API documentation for more details.

Request Body schema: application/json
object (PreviewTransaction)
object (PreviewFlags)
object (TransactionPreviewV2OptIns)

A set of flags to configure the response of the transaction preview v2 endpoint.


Successful Preview


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "preview_transaction": {
  • "flags": {
  • "opt_ins": {
Response samples
  • "at_ledger_state_version": 0,
  • "receipt": { },
  • "radix_engine_toolkit_receipt": { },
  • "logs": [

Submit Transaction

Submits a signed transaction payload to the network.

Request Body schema: application/json
string (NotarizedTransactionHexString)

Hex-encoded notarized transaction payload which can be submitted.


Successful Submission


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "notarized_transaction_hex": "string"
Response samples
  • "duplicate": true

Get Committed Transaction Details

Returns the committed details and receipt of the transaction for a given transaction identifier. Transaction identifiers which don't correspond to a committed transaction will return a TransactionNotFoundError.

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

string (HashBech32mString)

Bech32m-encoded hash.

object (TransactionDetailsOptIns)

Transaction Status


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "intent_hash": "<transaction-intent-hash>"
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "transaction": {

Get Transaction Status

Returns overall transaction status and all of its known payloads based on supplied intent hash.

Request Body schema: application/json
string (HashBech32mString)

Bech32m-encoded hash.


Transaction Status


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "intent_hash": "<transaction-intent-hash>"
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "status": "Unknown",
  • "intent_status": "Unknown",
  • "intent_status_description": "string",
  • "known_payloads": [
  • "committed_state_version": 0,
  • "permanently_rejects_at_epoch": 10000000000,
  • "error_message": "string"

Get Subintent Status

Returns if the given subintent has been finalized.

Request Body schema: application/json
string (HashBech32mString)

Bech32m-encoded hash.


Transaction Status


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "subintent_hash": "<transaction-subintent-hash>"
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "subintent_status": "Unknown",
  • "subintent_status_description": "string",
  • "finalized_at_state_version": 0,
  • "finalized_at_transaction_intent_hash": "string"

PreValidate deposit of resources to an account

Helper endpoint that allows pre-validation if a deposit of certain resources to a given account can succeed or not. It is only meant for pre-validation usage, it does not guarantee that execution will succeed.

Request Body schema: application/json
string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.

Array of strings (Address)
object (TransactionAccountDepositPreValidationAuthorizedDepositorBadge)

Pre-validation response, including all deciding factors that were used to generate that response.


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "account_address": "<account-address>",
  • "resource_addresses": [
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "allows_try_deposit_batch": true,
  • "resource_specific_behaviour": [
  • "deciding_factors": {

Stream Endpoints

Browse through the history of transactions.

Get Transactions Stream

Returns transactions which have been committed to the ledger. Check detailed documentation for brief explanation

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

string or null

This cursor allows forward pagination, by providing the cursor from the previous request.

integer or null

The page size requested.


Limit returned transactions by their kind. Defaults to user.

Enum: "User" "EpochChange" "All"
Array of strings (Address)

Allows specifying an array of account addresses. If specified, the response will contain only transactions with a manifest containing withdrawals from the given accounts.

Array of strings (Address)

Similar to manifest_accounts_withdrawn_from_filter, but will return only transactions with a manifest containing deposits to the given accounts.

Array of strings (Address)

Allows specifying array of badge resource addresses. If specified, the response will contain only transactions where the given badges were presented.

Array of strings (Address)

Allows specifying array of resource addresses. If specified, the response will contain only transactions containing the given resources in the manifest (regardless of their usage). We recommend that integrators use balance_change_resources_filter in most cases, as it also captures resource changes that are not specified in the manifest.

Array of strings (Address)

Allows specifying an array of global addresses. If specified, the response will contain transactions that affected all of the given global entities. A global entity is marked as "affected" by a transaction if any of its state (or its descendents' state) was modified as a result of the transaction. For performance reasons consensus manager and transaction tracker are excluded from that filter.

Array of objects (StreamTransactionsRequestEventFilterItem)

Filters the transaction stream to transactions which emitted at least one event matching each filter (each filter can be satisfied by a different event). Currently only deposit and withdrawal events emitted by an internal vault entity are tracked. For the purpose of filtering, the emitter address is replaced by the global ancestor of the emitter, for example, the top-level account / component which contains the vault which emitted the event.

Array of strings (Address)

Allows specifying an array of account addresses. If specified, the response will contain only transactions that, for all specified accounts, contain manifest method calls to that account which require the owner role. See the account docs for more information.

Array of strings (Address)

Allows specifying an array of account addresses. If specified, the response will contain only transactions that, for all specified accounts, do NOT contain manifest method calls to that account which require owner role. See the account docs for more information.


Allows filtering to transactions which match the given manifest classification. If specified, the response will contain only transactions which have a class that matches the filter. If match_only_most_specific set to true, only transactions where the queried class is most specific will be returned. See the docs on manifest classification for more information.

Array of strings (Address)

Allows specifying an array of global addresses. If specified, the response will contain transactions in which all entities emitted events. If an event was published by an internal entity, it is going to be indexed as it is a global ancestor. For performance reasons events published by consensus manager and native XRD resource are excluded from that filter.

Array of strings (Address)

Allows filtering to transactions which included non-fee related balance changes for all provided resources. Defaults to []. We recommend that integrators use this instead of the manifest_resources_filter in most cases, as it also captures resource changes that are not specified in the manifest.

Default: "All"

Allows filtering by the transaction commit status (Success, Failure, All). Defaults to All.

Enum: "Success" "Failure" "All"

Configures the order of returned result set. Defaults to desc.

Enum: "Asc" "Desc"
object (TransactionDetailsOptIns)

Transactions (paginated)


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "limit_per_page": 5
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "next_cursor": "string",
  • "items": [

State Endpoints

Query information snapshot about state of ledger entities at present or past time.

Get Entity Details

Returns detailed information for collection of entities. Aggregate resources globally by default.

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

object (StateEntityDetailsOptIns)

Check detailed OptIns documentation for more details

Array of strings (Address)

limited to max 20 items.

string (ResourceAggregationLevel)
Enum: "Global" "Vault"

Entity Details


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "addresses": [
  • "aggregation_level": "Vault",
  • "opt_ins": {
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "items": [

Get Entity Metadata Page

Returns all the metadata properties associated with a given global entity. The returned response is in a paginated format, ordered by first appearance on the ledger.

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

string or null

This cursor allows forward pagination, by providing the cursor from the previous request.

integer or null

The page size requested.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.


Entity Metadata (paginated)


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "address": "<entity-address>"
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "total_count": 0,
  • "next_cursor": "string",
  • "items": [
  • "address": "string"

Get Entity Schema Page

Returns all the schemas associated with a given global entity. The returned response is in a paginated format, ordered by first appearance on the ledger.

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

string or null

This cursor allows forward pagination, by providing the cursor from the previous request.

integer or null

The page size requested.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.


Entity Schemas (paginated)


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "address": "<package-address>"
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "total_count": 0,
  • "next_cursor": "string",
  • "items": [
  • "address": "string"

Get page of Global Entity Fungible Resource Balances

Returns the total amount of each fungible resource owned by a given global entity. Result can be aggregated globally or per vault. The returned response is in a paginated format, ordered by the resource's first appearance on the ledger.

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

string or null

This cursor allows forward pagination, by providing the cursor from the previous request.

integer or null

The page size requested.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.

string (ResourceAggregationLevel)
Enum: "Global" "Vault"
object (StateEntityFungiblesPageRequestOptIns)

Check detailed OptIns documentation for more details


Entity Fungibles (paginated)


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "address": "<component-entity-address>"
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "total_count": 0,
  • "next_cursor": "string",
  • "items": [
  • "address": "string"

Get page of Global Entity Fungible Resource Vaults

Returns vaults for fungible resource owned by a given global entity. The returned response is in a paginated format, ordered by the resource's first appearance on the ledger.

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

string or null

This cursor allows forward pagination, by providing the cursor from the previous request.

integer or null

The page size requested.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.


Entity Fungibles (paginated)


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "address": "<component-entity-address>",
  • "resource_address": "<resource-address>"
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "total_count": 0,
  • "next_cursor": "string",
  • "items": [
  • "address": "string",
  • "resource_address": "string"

Get page of Global Entity Non-Fungible Resource Balances

Returns the total amount of each non-fungible resource owned by a given global entity. Result can be aggregated globally or per vault. The returned response is in a paginated format, ordered by the resource's first appearance on the ledger.

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

string or null

This cursor allows forward pagination, by providing the cursor from the previous request.

integer or null

The page size requested.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.

string (ResourceAggregationLevel)
Enum: "Global" "Vault"
object (StateEntityNonFungiblesPageRequestOptIns)

Check detailed OptIns documentation for more details


Entity Non-Fungibles (paginated)


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "address": "<component-entity-address>"
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "total_count": 0,
  • "next_cursor": "string",
  • "items": [
  • "address": "string"

Get page of Global Entity Non-Fungible Resource Vaults

Returns vaults for non fungible resource owned by a given global entity. The returned response is in a paginated format, ordered by the resource's first appearance on the ledger.

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

string or null

This cursor allows forward pagination, by providing the cursor from the previous request.

integer or null

The page size requested.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.

object (StateEntityNonFungibleResourceVaultsPageOptIns)

Check detailed OptIns documentation for more details


Entity Fungibles (paginated)


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "address": "<component-entity-address>",
  • "resource_address": "<resource-address>"
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "total_count": 0,
  • "next_cursor": "string",
  • "items": [
  • "address": "string",
  • "resource_address": "string"

Get page of Non-Fungibles in Vault

Returns all non-fungible IDs of a given non-fungible resource owned by a given entity. The returned response is in a paginated format, ordered by the resource's first appearence on the ledger.

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

string or null

This cursor allows forward pagination, by providing the cursor from the previous request.

integer or null

The page size requested.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.


Entity Non-Fungible IDs (paginated)


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "address": "<component-entity-address>",
  • "resource_address": null,
  • "vault_address": null
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "total_count": 0,
  • "next_cursor": "string",
  • "items": [
  • "address": "string",
  • "resource_address": "string"

Get page of Non-Fungible Ids in Resource Collection

Returns the non-fungible IDs of a given non-fungible resource. Returned response is in a paginated format, ordered by their first appearance on the ledger.

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

string or null

This cursor allows forward pagination, by providing the cursor from the previous request.

integer or null

The page size requested.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.


Non-Fungible IDs (paginated)


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "resource_address": "<non-fungible-entity-address>"
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "resource_address": "string",
  • "non_fungible_ids": {

Get Non-Fungible Data

Returns data associated with a given non-fungible ID of a given non-fungible resource.

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.

Array of strings (NonFungibleId)

limited to max 100 items.


Non-Fungible ID Data


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "resource_address": "<non-fungible-entity-address>",
  • "non_fungible_ids": [
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "resource_address": "string",
  • "non_fungible_id_type": "String",
  • "non_fungible_ids": [

Get Non-Fungible Location

Returns location of a given non-fungible ID.

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.

Array of strings (NonFungibleId)

limited to max 100 items.


Non-Fungible ID Location


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "resource_address": "<non-fungible-entity-address>",
  • "non_fungible_ids": [
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "resource_address": "string",
  • "non_fungible_ids": [

Get KeyValueStore Keys

Allows to iterate over key value store keys.

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

string or null

This cursor allows forward pagination, by providing the cursor from the previous request.

integer or null

The page size requested.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.


KeyValueStore keys collection


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "key_value_store_address": "<key-value-store-address>"
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "total_count": 0,
  • "next_cursor": "string",
  • "items": [
  • "key_value_store_address": "string"

Get KeyValueStore Data

Returns data (value) associated with a given key of a given key-value store. Check detailed documentation for explanation

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.

Array of objects (StateKeyValueStoreDataRequestKeyItem)

limited to max 100 items.


Non-Fungible ID Data


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "key_value_store_address": "<key-value-store-address>",
  • "keys": [
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "key_value_store_address": "string",
  • "entries": [

Get Validators List

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

string or null

This cursor allows forward pagination, by providing the cursor from the previous request.


Validators List


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "at_ledger_state": null
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "validators": {

Get Account resource preferences

Returns paginable collection of resource preference rules for given account.

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

string or null

This cursor allows forward pagination, by providing the cursor from the previous request.

integer or null

The page size requested.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.


Account resource preferences page


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "account_address": null
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "total_count": 0,
  • "next_cursor": "string",
  • "items": [
  • "account_address": "string"

Get Account authorized depositors

Returns paginable collection of authorized depositors for given account.

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

string or null

This cursor allows forward pagination, by providing the cursor from the previous request.

integer or null

The page size requested.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.


Account resource preferences page


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "account_address": null
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "total_count": 0,
  • "next_cursor": "string",
  • "items": [
  • "account_address": "string"

Get Package Blueprints Page

Returns all the blueprints associated with a given package entity. The returned response is in a paginated format, ordered by first appearance on the ledger.

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

string or null

This cursor allows forward pagination, by providing the cursor from the previous request.

integer or null

The page size requested.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.


Package Blueprints (paginated)


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "package_address": "<package-address>"
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "total_count": 0,
  • "next_cursor": "string",
  • "items": [
  • "package_address": "string"

Get Package Codes Page

Returns all the codes associated with a given package entity. The returned response is in a paginated format, ordered by first appearance on the ledger.

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

string or null

This cursor allows forward pagination, by providing the cursor from the previous request.

integer or null

The page size requested.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.


Package Blueprints (paginated)


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "package_address": "<package-address>"
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "total_count": 0,
  • "next_cursor": "string",
  • "items": [
  • "package_address": "string"

Get Account Locker Vaults Page

Returns all the resource vaults associated with a given account locker. The returned response is in a paginated format, ordered by the most recent resource vault creation on the ledger.

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

string or null

This cursor allows forward pagination, by providing the cursor from the previous request.

integer or null

The page size requested.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.


Account Locker vaults (paginated)


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "locker_address": "<locker-address>",
  • "account_address": "<account-address>"
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "total_count": 0,
  • "next_cursor": "string",
  • "items": [
  • "locker_address": "string",
  • "account_address": "string"

Get Most Recent Touch of Account Lockers

Returns most recent state version given account locker has been touched. Touch refers to the creation of the account locker itself as well as any modification to its contents, such as resource claim, airdrop or store.

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

Array of objects (AccountLockerAddress)

Account locker account pair last touch state version


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "account_lockers": [
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "items": [

Statistics Endpoints

Calculate particular statistics based on current or historic ledger state.

Get Validators Uptime

Returns validators uptime data for time range limited by from_state_version and at_state_version.

Request Body schema: application/json
object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

object or null (LedgerStateSelector)

Optional. This allows for a request to be made against a historic state. If a constraint is specified, the Gateway will resolve the request against the ledger state at that time. If not specified, requests will be made with respect to the top of the committed ledger.

Array of strings (Address)

Validators Uptime


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "at_ledger_state": {
  • "from_ledger_state": {
  • "validator_addresses": [
Response samples
  • "ledger_state": {
  • "validators": {

Extensions Endpoints

Endpoints that do not fit into other categories, for example, those which provide custom aggregation or indexing, or don't support historic state.

Get Resource Holders Page

A paginated endpoint to discover which global entities hold the most of a given resource. More specifically, it returns a page of global entities which hold the given resource, ordered descending by the total fungible balance / total count of non-fungibles stored in vaults in the state tree of that entity (excluding unclaimed royalty balances).

This endpoint operates only at the current state version, it is not possible to browse historical data. Because of that, it is not possible to offer stable pagination as data constantly changes. Balances might change between pages being read, which might result in gaps or some entries being returned twice.

Under default Gateway configuration, up to 100 entries are returned per response. This can be increased up to 1000 entries per page with the limit_per_page parameter.

Request Body schema: application/json
string or null

This cursor allows forward pagination, by providing the cursor from the previous request.

integer or null

The page size requested.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.


Resource holders


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "limit_per_page": 100,
  • "resource_address": "<resource-address>"
Response samples
  • "total_count": 0,
  • "next_cursor": "string",
  • "items": [

Get entities by role requirement page

Paginated endpoint returns a page of global entities that have ever used the provided requirement (such as a resource or non-fungible global ID) in their access rules (blueprint authentication templates, owner roles, or role assignments). This endpoint allows querying by a single requirement. By default it returns up to 100 entries are returned per response. This limit can be increased to a maximum of 1000 entries per page using the limit_per_page parameter. To retrieve subsequent pages, use the returned cursor and call the /extensions/entities-by-role-requirement/page endpoint.

To lookup multiple requirements, please call the /extensions/entities-by-role-requirement/lookup endpoint.


  • Entities are returned in ascending order by the state version in which the requirement was first observed on the ledger.
  • It may include entities that no longer use the requirement as part of an access rule.
  • If no entities are found, an empty list will be returned.
Request Body schema: application/json
string or null

This cursor allows forward pagination, by providing the cursor from the previous request.

integer or null

The page size requested.

string (Address)

Bech32m-encoded human readable version of the address.

string (NonFungibleId)

String-encoded non-fungible ID.


List of entities that have ever used the queried requirement in their access rules.


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "limit_per_page": 100,
  • "resource_address": "<sample-requirement-resource-address>",
  • "non_fungible_id": "<sample-requirement-non-fungible-id>"
Response samples
  • "total_count": 0,
  • "next_cursor": "string",
  • "entities": [

Get entities by role requirement lookup

This endpoint is intended to query for entities that have ever used a given requirement (resource or non-fungible global ID) in their access rules (blueprint authentication templates, owner roles, or role assignments). This endpoint allows querying by multiple requirements. A maximum of 50 requirements can be queried. A maximum of 20 entities per requirement will be returned. To retrieve subsequent pages, use the returned cursor and call the /extensions/entities-by-role-requirement/page endpoint.


  • Entities are returned in ascending order by the state version in which the requirement was first observed on the ledger.
  • It may include entities that no longer use the requirement as part of an access rule.
  • If no entities are found, an empty list will be returned.
Request Body schema: application/json
Array of objects (EntitiesByRoleRequirementRequestRequirement)

limited to max 50 items.


List of entities, per requested requirement, that have ever used the queried requirements in their access rules.


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "requirements": [
Response samples
  • "items": [

Resolve implicit requirement target from global non-fungible id

Access rules can include implicit requirements referencing special system-reserved resource addresses, which have specific meanings for the Radix Engine and are not part of the standard authorization zone system. These implicit requirements typically store their details as a hash, which means the subject of the requirement can't be easily resolved. This is where this endpoint comes in. It can resolve the subject of the implicit requirements, using a database of reverse hash lookups populated from ledger data.

The following resource addresses are supported:

  • Secp256k1 Signature Resource
  • Ed25519 Signature Resource
  • Package of Direct Caller Resource
  • Global Caller Resource
  • System Execution Resource

When querying, you must provide a pair of the following for each requirement to resolve:

  • resource_address (one of the above)
  • non_fungible_id, of the requirement.

You can query a maximum of 100 implicit requirements at a time.

See the documentation on implicit-requirements for more information.

Request Body schema: application/json
Array of objects (NonFungibleGlobalId)

limited to max 100 items.


List of resolved implicit requirements.


Client-originated request error

Request samples
  • "requirements": [
Response samples
  • "resolved_requirements": [